History of cartography

L'histoire captivante des cartes marines anciennes

The captivating history of ancient nautical cha...

Welcome to the fascinating world of old nautical charts! These precious testimonies of the history of navigation have evolved over the centuries,...

The captivating history of ancient nautical cha...

Welcome to the fascinating world of old nautical charts! These precious testimonies of the history of navigation have evolved over the centuries,...

De la peau de mouton au papier synthétique : une histoire des supports des cartes géographiques

From sheepskin to synthetic paper: a history of...

The history of papers used in cartography dates back to the time when cartography emerged as an important tool for navigation and representation of the geographic environment.

From sheepskin to synthetic paper: a history of...

The history of papers used in cartography dates back to the time when cartography emerged as an important tool for navigation and representation of the geographic environment.

Les origines de la cartographie : À la découverte des cartes géographiques antiques

The origins of cartography: Discovering ancient...

Welcome to the fascinating world of ancient maps! These precious testimonies of the history of cartography transport us to a distant era, where explorers and scholars of Antiquity attempted to...

The origins of cartography: Discovering ancient...

Welcome to the fascinating world of ancient maps! These precious testimonies of the history of cartography transport us to a distant era, where explorers and scholars of Antiquity attempted to...

L'histoire des cartes d'État-Major : un aperçu

The history of French General Staff maps: an ov...

French General Staff maps are detailed topographical maps of France, created from land surveys carried out between 1818 and 1880.

The history of French General Staff maps: an ov...

French General Staff maps are detailed topographical maps of France, created from land surveys carried out between 1818 and 1880.

À la découverte des cartes IGN

Discovering IGN maps

The maps of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) are essential references for all cartography enthusiasts. Since its creation in 1940, the IGN's mission has been to produce and disseminate geographic...

Discovering IGN maps

The maps of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) are essential references for all cartography enthusiasts. Since its creation in 1940, the IGN's mission has been to produce and disseminate geographic...

Découvrez les différentes projections en cartographie : exploration des perspectives géographiques

Discover the different projections in cartograp...

Cartography is a fascinating discipline that allows us to represent our world in a visual and understandable way. However, it is important to understand that the Earth is a three-dimensional...

Discover the different projections in cartograp...

Cartography is a fascinating discipline that allows us to represent our world in a visual and understandable way. However, it is important to understand that the Earth is a three-dimensional...