À la découverte de la famille Robert de Vaugondy : Cartographes de talent

Discovering the Robert de Vaugondy family: Talented cartographers

Enter the captivating world of the Robert de Vaugondy family, a dynasty of cartographers who left their mark on the history of geography. Like the Cassini family, these enthusiasts created precise and detailed maps which contributed to the advancement of cartography. In this article, let's dive into their fascinating genealogy and discover each family member's milestone achievements.

The Robert de Vaugondy family

The Robert de Vaugondy perpetuated and enriched the work of Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville, famous cartographer of the 17th century, notably for his map of the Post Offices of France . By acquiring the geographical collection of Nicolas Sanson at the end of the 17th century through his grandson, Pierre Moulart-Sanson, they acquired a solid basis for their work. These precious elements allowed them to create their major work: the Universal Atlas. A true geographical treasure which contributed to the advancement of cartography and inspired many other cartographers.
The Robert de Vaugondy family has several talented members who have left their mark on the world of cartography. It all started with Gilles Robert de Vaugondy, known as Robert de Vaugondy (1688-1766), a passionate map engraver. His son, Didier Robert de Vaugondy (1723-1786), continued his work and established himself as a renowned cartographer. Together they created extremely precise and detailed maps of France and Europe. Their collaboration resulted in exceptional works that have been praised throughout Europe for their quality and precision.

Cartography and publishing: the talents of Robert de Vaugondy

In 1757, Robert de Vaugondy published a map of the world entitled "Mappe-Monde or General Map of all Parts of the World". This map, based on the works of eminent cartographers such as Gerardus Mercator and Johann Baptiste Homann, was a true work of art. It was not only accurate, but also beautifully adorned with artistic details, including allegorical figures representing the continents and oceans. A true marvel that captivated cartography enthusiasts of the time.
In addition to his work as a cartographer, Robert de Vaugondy was a talented editor. He published atlases and maps dedicated to different countries, such as Germany, Italy and Spain. His publications have been recognized for their quality and accuracy, making him an essential reference in the field.
World Map by Robert de Vaugondy
“World Map or General Map of all Parts of the World” by Robert de Vaugondy. Source: Gallica

A prestigious collaboration with Diderot and D’Alembert

The Robert de Vaugondy also had the opportunity to collaborate with two emblematic figures of the French Enlightenment, Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert. Their collaboration consisted of illustrating the Encyclopedia, a revolutionary work which brought together the knowledge of the time. The cartographic contributions of Robert de Vaugondy added a visual and informative dimension to this major work.


The Robert de Vaugondy family represents an essential chapter in the history of cartography. Their talents, their fruitful collaboration and their precious heritage have made them iconic figures in the field. Their precise and detailed maps, as well as their contribution to the Encyclopedia, demonstrate their passion for geography and their commitment to sharing their knowledge with the world. Let us admire and preserve these cartographic treasures that connect us to our past and help us understand our ever-changing world.
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