Cassini map of Bayonne and surrounding areas
Cassini map of Bayonne and surrounding areas
This old canvas-covered Cassini map entitled "Bayonne" (No. 139) was produced by the Cassini family. It dates from the 18th century and its size is 94x60cm (21 panels).
Minimal stains, small hole at the top right and canvas a little worn in places. Please note, my maps are old and are not always in perfect condition!
List of cities represented:
Capbreton, Tosse, Dax, Bayonne, Saint-Esprit, Peyrehorade, Hastingues, Bidache, Sorde, Garris, Saint-Palais, Hasparren, La Bastide-Clairence, Espelette, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Hendaye, Irun, Saint-Sébastien
Not all municipalities are listed here, to help you identify the right Cassini map for you, go to my assembly chart of the Cassini map.