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Old IGN map of Fumay and its surroundings

Old IGN map of Fumay and its surroundings

Regular price 25,00 €
Regular price Sale price 25,00 €
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This map produced by the French Army Geographical Service entitled "Fumay" (sheet XXX-8 ) at a scale of 1:50,000 was printed in 1939 on fine paper measuring 69x53.5cm.


Minimal edge tears and stains. Please note, these maps are old and are not always in perfect condition!

List of towns and villages represented:

Cornimont, Gros-Fays, Chairière, Oizy, Baillamont, Monceau, Petit-Fays, Bellefontaine, Bièvre, Bièvre, Louette-Saint Denis, Patignies, Haut-Fays, Malvoisin, Vencimont, Sart-Custinne, Gedinne, Louette-Saint Pierre, Houdremont, Nafraiture, Orchimont, Vresse, Laforêt, Member, Bohan, Thilay, Hautes Rivières, Naux, Nohan, Sorendal, L'Espérance, Linchamps, Les Hubiets, la Neuville aux Haies, Willerzie, Bourseigne-Vieille, Bourseigne-Neuve, Hargnies , Tournavaux, Haulmé, Levrezy, Montherme, Deville, Laifour, Les Bas Buttés, Les Hauts Buttés, Haybes, Fépin

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